August 2024 Newsletter

our 2024 August newsletter

Welcome to the Women Income Network’s monthly newsletter for August 2024. This month has been one of significant strides in fertilizer production, organic waste processing, and Black Soldier Fly (BSF) eggs and larvae production. Our ongoing commitment to innovation and sustainability continues to yield positive results, expanding our market reach and enhancing production efficiency.

Updates on the Contract Farming Model

We are thrilled to report that all five of our contract farming champions initiated their production last month and are progressing exceptionally well. They have begun harvesting both larvae and fertilizer, contributing to our overall mission of sustainable agriculture and community empowerment.

Some of the women on the Contract Farming Model in their farms.

Opportunities and Market Expansion

We are actively exploring new markets for our fertilizer and larvae products to expand our reach and impact. Our ongoing market research and partnerships are paving the way for significant growth in the coming months. This will boost our out-grower contract farming model and our productivity in general.

Fertilizer Production

This month, our farms and out-growers have successfully processed and packed a remarkable 5.5 tons of purely organic fertilizer. This nutrient-rich product is specifically designed to enhance soil health and boost crop productivity, offering farmers an effective, eco-friendly solution for sustainable agriculture.

Organic Waste Processing

Our operations in August included the efficient processing of 5 tons of organic waste sourced from Kalerwe Market, supplemented by an additional 5.5 tons from our out-growers. Utilizing advanced shredding technology, we transformed this waste into valuable feed for our maggots, demonstrating the incredible potential of organic waste conversion into high-quality fertilizer.

Black Soldier Fly Eggs and Larvae Production

In our continued efforts to innovate in sustainable agriculture, we successfully harvested and dried 400 kg of larvae, alongside 500 kg from our outgrowers. These larvae were meticulously dried and milled, preparing them for sale as nutrient-rich animal feed, further solidifying our role in sustainable farming practices.

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