July 2024 Newsletter

our 2024 July newsletter


Welcome to the Women Income Network’s monthly newsletter for July 2024. This month, we have made significant strides in our mission to empower communities through sustainable agriculture and innovative waste management practices. From producing organic fertilizers to converting organic waste into valuable resources, our efforts continue to drive positive change and enhance livelihoods.

Fertilizer Production

At the farm and from our outgrowers, we successfully processed and packed 5.2 tons of purely organic fertilizer ready for sale. This nutrient-rich fertilizer is ideal for enhancing soil health and crop productivity.

Organic Waste Processing

We harvested and dried a total of 800 kg of larvae—350 kg from our farm and 450 kg from our outgrowers. These larvae were then dried and milled to be sold as animal feed.

Black Soldier Fly Eggs and Larvae Production

we focused on expanding our production of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae, a crucial component of our waste-to-feed process. Our team successfully harvested a total of 800 kilograms of larvae, comprised of 350 kilograms from our farm operations and 450 kilograms from our network of outgrowers.

The harvested larvae underwent a meticulous drying process to ensure preservation and quality. After drying, the larvae were milled into a fine powder. This high-quality, nutrient-rich powder is processed and packaged for sale as animal feed, contributing to sustainable agriculture and reducing waste.

Maggot farming on a contract model

In July, we completed the construction of five structures for our champion farmers. Each champion received seed stock (pupae and neonates) on contract maggot farming to boost production. This initiative aims to empower the community and foster prosperity through maggot farming. I’m pleased to report that all five champions have already started harvesting larvae.

Beneficieries of the Contract Farming Model Receiving their seed stock

Collaboration and Community Impact:

This month, we had the privilege of hosting Dr. Nitin Shah, a valued team member from MSI and partners at the Resolution Project. During the meeting, we had the opportunity to present our goals, mission, and the significant impact we are making in our community. We highlighted our initiatives in sustainable agriculture, waste management, and community empowerment, emphasizing how these efforts are promoting women’s equity and breaking the cycle of poverty in Central Uganda. Dr. Shah was particularly impressed with our innovative approaches to converting organic waste into valuable resources, such as the production of Black Soldier Fly larvae and organic fertilizers. We look forward to further collaboration with MSI and the Resolution Project, continuing our journey of making a difference together.

Dr. Shah at the Women Income Network offices

Contact us: +256 709 486667 | info@womenincomenetwork.org | Twitter | www.womenincomenetwork.org

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