Ogwang Morris


Agribusiness Specialist

Morris, an accomplished agribusiness specialist, holds a National Diploma in Agribusiness Management from Bukalasa Agricultural College, showcasing his foundational expertise in the field. Currently serving as the farm manager at Women Income Network and having previously held the position of operations manager at Ento Organic Farm, Morris has been a significant contributor to the agricultural sector.

Demonstrating his entrepreneurial spirit, Morris co-founded Bukalasa Coffee and Yaffe Okra Beverage, illustrating his commitment to agribusiness innovation. As a fellow of the Jim Leech MasterCard Fellowship on Entrepreneurship at Queen’s University, he has further honed his skills and perspectives in agricultural entrepreneurship.

Engaging in peer mentorship within RootsAfrica at the University of Maryland and actively contributing to the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS), Morris participates in knowledge-sharing and community-building within the agricultural sector. His commitment to continuous learning is evident through his fellowship in the Ecourse for emerging leaders, administered by the Michigan Fellows Agribusiness Initiative (MFAI) Uganda and funded by the US Embassy in Kampala.

With four years of hands-on experience in crop production, management, and post-harvest handling, Morris brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. His proficiency in offline and online farm record-keeping using QR codes showcases his adeptness in incorporating technology into agricultural practices. Moreover, Morris boasts three years of experience in organic waste management, employing insect technology, earthworms, mealworms, and crickets for alternative animal protein and organic fertilizer. Morris is not just an agribusiness specialist but a practicing expert and extensionist, making significant contributions to the advancement of agriculture in Uganda. 

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